81 research outputs found

    Wpływ modelu kapitalizmu na politykę przemysłową prowadzoną przez państwo - przykład niemiec

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    Do wybuchu kryzysu gospodarczego w 2008 roku w debacie ekonomicznej na temat zasad prowadzenia polityki przemysłowej dominowało podejście neoliberalne- państwo nie powinno ingerować w rynek i zrezygnować z polityki przemysłowej. Jednakże kryzys gospodarczy doprowadził do zmiany paradygmatu. Celem artykułu jest odpowiedź na pytanie, w jakim stopniu i w jaki sposób model kapitalizmu wpływa na kształt polityki przemysłowej prowadzonej przez państwo. W artykule analizie zostały poddane Niemcy- główne założenia i cele prowadzonej przez nie polityki przemysłowej. Wykorzystanymi metodami badawczymi są przegląd literatury oraz analiza opisowa niemieckiego modelu kapitalistycznego w świetle teorii Hall i Soskice oraz klasyfikacji Amable’a. Artykuł wskazuje, że polityka przemysłowa prowadzona przez Niemcy jest dostosowana do niemieckiego modelu kapitalizmu, a głównym czynnikiem, który ją kształtuje, jest koncepcja społecznej gospodarki rynkowej


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    Miasta są złożonymi, wieloelementowymi organizmami, a zarządzanie nimi wymaga interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy i umiejętności. Obecnie, gdy w zarządzaniu miastami istotnego znaczenia nabrało podejście terytorialne, trzeba zwrócić uwagę na powiązania funkcjonalne między tymi ośrodkami. Szczególnie ważne jest zintegrowane podejście do zagospodarowania przestrzeni, planowania systemów infrastruktury technicznej czy rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, co powinno przekładać się na planowanie i realizowanie poszczególnych polityk miejskich opierających się na współpracy wielu interesariuszy. W publikacji wyjaśniono teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty zarządzania rozwojem miast, integrując wielopłaszczyznową i wieloaspektową problematykę zarządzania miejskiego. Książka jest adresowana do osób zainteresowanych zarządzaniem współczesnymi obszarami miejskimi z uwzględnieniem podejścia terytorialnego - zarówno do władz samorządowych, instytucji działających na rzecz rozwoju lokalnego, jak i do studentów

    Current strategies of the brachial plexus palsy management

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    The importance of brachial plexus palsy treatment is associated with its significant severity, along with Brachial plexus palsies can be treated by means of many different surgical and non-surgical methods which allow regeneration of full efficiency of the affected limb. The choice of method depends on such factors as type and region of injury, patient’s age or clinical presentation of the injury. The purpose of this review is to present current strategies of treating brachial plexus palsies, depending on therapeutic needs of the particular patient. This is a review study based upon selective literature overview, with emphasis on works published within past 13 years. 6 separate methods of brachial plexus palsy were assessed, without distinction of the reason of palsy occurring. Some of the invasive methods include operative treatment performed directly on occupied nervous tissue, such as microneural plexus reconstruction and nerve transfers (lower subscapular nerve transfer and contralateral C7 nerve transfer) whilst the others revolve around restoration of function of affected neighboring structures by themselves, e.g. shoulder tendon transfers. Rehabilitation and botulinum toxin-based treatment are non-operative methods revolving around enhancement of the function of the affected upper limb. Main measure of effectiveness of the treatment is assessment of the range of motion of the affected limb (ROM). There is still not enough information available regarding long-term efficiency of microneural plexus reconstruction and botulinum toxin-based treatment. They require further investigation while other methods are used commonly

    ATM-deficient neural precursors develop senescence phenotype with disturbances in autophagy.

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    ATM is a kinase involved in DNA damage response (DDR), regulation of response to oxidative stress, autophagy and mitophagy. Mutations in the ATM gene in humans result in ataxi A-Telangiectasia disease (A-T) characterized by a variety of symptoms with neurodegeneration and premature ageing among them. Since brain is one of the most affected organs in A-T, we have focused on senescence of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from A-T reprogrammed fibroblasts. Accordingly, A-T NPCs obtained through neural differentiation of iPSCs in 5% oxygen possessed some features of senescence including increased activity of SA-β-gal and secretion of IL6 and IL8 in comparison to control NPCs. This phenotype of A-T NPC was accompanied by elevated oxidative stress. A-T NPCs exhibited symptoms of impaired autophagy and mitophagy with lack of response to chloroquine treatment. Additional sources of oxidative stress like increased oxygen concentration (20 %) and H2O2 respectively aggravated the phenotype of senescence and additionally disturbed the process of mitophagy. In both cases only A-T NPCs reacted to the treatment. We conclude that oxidative stress may be responsible for the phenotype of senescence and impairment of autophagy in A-T NPCs. Our results point to senescent A-T cells as a potential therapeutic target in this disease

    Trehalose, mannitol and arabitol as indicators of fungal metabolism in late Cretaceous and Miocene deposits

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    Trehalose, mannitol and arabitol are the main saccharides of extant fungal metabolism, but their occurrence and distribution in geological materials have rarely been considered. Here, we identify these sugars in Miocene lignites and for the first time in Late Cretaceous mudstones and coals. The co-occurrence of trehalose, mannitol and arabitol in the sedimentary rocks investigated suggests their fungal origin, because these three saccharides are major compounds present in most modern fungi, including the very common mycorrhizal and wood-rotting groups. Therefore, we conclude that these sugars should be treated as new fungal biomarkers (biomolecules) present in geological rocks. Trehalose and mannitol are major compounds in total extracts of the samples and a sum of their concentration reaches 4.6 μg/g of sample. The arabitol concentrations do not exceed 0.5 μg/g, but in contrast to trehalose, the concentration correlates well with mannitol (R2=0.94), suggesting that they have the same, translocatory role in fungi. Based on the trehalose vs. mannitol and arabitol distributions in Cretaceous samples and their comparison with data for modern fungi, we preliminarily conclude that the coal seams from the Rakowice Małe (SW Poland) section were formed during warmer climatic periods than the overlying sediments. Furthermore, no DNA could be isolated from the samples of lignites and overlying sediments, whereas it was abundant in the control samples of maple, birch and oak wood degraded by fungi. This indicates an absence of recent fungi responsible for decay in lignites and implies that the saccharide origin is connected with ancient fungi. Other sugar alcohols and acids like D-pinitol, quinic acid and shikimic acid, were found for the first time in sedimentary rocks, and their source is inferred to be from higher plants, most likely conifers. The preservation of mono- and disaccharides of fungal origins in pre-Palaeogene strata implies that compounds previously thought as unstable can survive for tens to hundreds of millions of years without structural changes in immature rocks unaffected by secondary processes

    Changes in calprotectin concentration – inflammation marker in serum of women with gynecological cancer

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    Summary Objectives: Malignant tumors of the ovary and uterus remain to be a diagnostic and therapeutic problem in Poland, mainly due to the lack of effective diagnosis of their early stages. There is a relation between an impaired immune system, especially the process of inflammation and the pathogenesis of these tumors. The aim of the study was to assess the concentration of calprotectin – a inflammation marker in the serum of women with ovarian or uterine cancer. Material and methods: The study group included 96 women, aged 21 to 72 (mean age: 46.7+/-13.6 years) with the diagnosed and histologically confirmed ovarian or uterine tumor. The control group consisted of 30 women aged 24–60 (mean age 45.6+/-8.9 years), showing no pathological disorders or any inflammations of the reproductive system. The concentration of calprotectin was evaluated with the use of the immunoenzymatic method ELISA using the Calprotectin ELISA (serum) kit by DRG Instruments (Germany). Results: In serum of women with tumors the calprotectin level was significantly higher comparing to the control group (

    Monocyte activity after stimulation by serum of women with endometriosis

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    Objectives: Impairments of immune system play an important role in the development and pathogenesis of endometriosis. In affected women peritoneal macrophages are excessively activated, which is visible in an increased synthesis and release of macrophage-derived cytokines and growth factors. Monocytes are precursors of those cells in peripheral blood. The aim of the study was to evaluate the activity of monocyte from a healthy person, after stimulation by serum of women with endometriosis in cell culture conditions. The indicator of monocyte activity was the concentration of neopterin (NPT), produced by those cells. Material and methods: Twenty nine women with endometriosis (mean age: 28.7+/-4.5 years) were included into this study. Among them were 18 women with moderate endometriosis (I and II stages according to AFS) and 11 women with advanced stages of the disease (III and IV stages according to AFS). Reference group consisted of fifteen healthy women (mean age: 27.4+/-5.3 years), with excluded endometriosis and other pathological disorders within the pelvis. Monocytes used in the study were isolated from peripheral blood of a healthy male and serum of women with endometriosis and control group. Monocytes were cultured in attendance of 15% and 30% serum of studied women. The concentration of NPT in the supernatants of culture was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent ELISA assay. Results: The serum of women with endometriosis causes an increased concentration of NPT in supernatants, when comparing with serum of healthy women (

    Concetration of anticardiolipin antybodies in peritonel fluid and in fluid from lymphocytes culture in women with endometriosis

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    Summary Aim: The aim of our work was to study both the concentration of anticardiolipin antibodies (aCL) in peritoneal fluid in women with endometriosis and to examine peritoneal lymphocyte ability to produce anticardiolipin antibodies. Material and methods: Study group included 30 women with endometriosis. The clinical stages of the disease were assessed by the revised American Fertility Society (rAFS) classification. Reference group included fifteen healthy women, with excluded endometriosis and other pathological disorders within the pelvis. The concentration of aCL in the peritoneal fluid and in fluid from lymphocyte culture was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent ELISA assay. Results: Statistical analysis showed significantly increased mean concentration of aCL in peritoneal fluid in women with endometriosis compared to women from the reference group (

    Beyond the low frequency fluctuations : morning and evening differences in human brain

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    Human performance, alertness, and most biological functions express rhythmic fluctuations across a 24-h-period. This phenomenon is believed to originate from differences in both circadian and homeostatic sleep-wake regulatory processes. Interactions between these processes result in time-of-day modulations of behavioral performance as well as brain activity patterns. Although the basic mechanism of the 24-h clock is conserved across evolution, there are interindividual differences in the timing of sleep-wake cycles, subjective alertness and functioning throughout the day. The study of circadian typology differences has increased during the last few years, especially research on extreme chronotypes, which provide a unique way to investigate the effects of sleep-wake regulation on cerebral mechanisms. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we assessed the influence of chronotype and time-of-day on resting-state functional connectivity. Twenty-nine extreme morning- and 34 evening-type participants underwent two fMRI sessions: about 1 h after wake-up time (morning) and about 10 h after wake-up time (evening), scheduled according to their declared habitual sleep-wake pattern on a regular working day. Analysis of obtained neuroimaging data disclosed only an effect of time of day on resting-state functional connectivity; there were different patterns of functional connectivity between morning (MS) and evening (ES) sessions. The results of our study showed no differences between extreme morning-type and evening-type individuals. We demonstrate that circadian and homeostatic influences on the resting-state functional connectivity have a universal character, unaffected by circadian typology